Katelyn in the Dolomites, Italian Alps.

Admiring the beautiful Dolomites, Italian Alps (September 2018)

“When your life flashes before your eyes, make sure you’ve got plenty to watch.”

– My high school senior quote (June 2013)

In 2013, I’d only been to four countries: the US, Mexico on a humanitarian house-building mission, and Spain and France on an unforgettable, life-changing class trip my junior year.

But I knew, maybe even subconsciously, that I wanted to be a world traveler.

Upon graduation, I had the intention of pursuing a major in International Business and a minor in Spanish.

Teenage Katelyn outside La Sagrada Familia.

16-year-old me at La Sagrada Familia Cathedral in Barcelona, Spain (March 2012)

After deep reflection and two solid years of dreading my business classes, I realized that the only reason I wanted an International Business degree was for the “international” aspect of it. I had no interest in economic sanctions, import and export law, or diplomatic negotiations.

Instead, I changed my major to fall in line with my interests and talents (Health Education and Promotion).

I did, however, continue studying Spanish. I had 14 continuous years of formal Spanish education, beginning in second grade.

While I focused on my courses and internships, I put my fantasy of globetrotting on the back burner.

As my college career came to a close, and I started looking for jobs, that dream came hurtling back into the forefront of my mind.

Katelyn in cap and gown with Boise State University sign.

My college graduation from Boise State University (December 2017)

How Wyatt Changed the Course of My Life

I had been hanging out with this guy Wyatt for a little while. He came from a humble background like me, but seemed to be able to travel and pay for his education at the same time.

Wyatt told me that his good friend and classmate Jordan worked at our local Boise airport for a major airline. Jordan had flight benefits, and Wyatt got discounted tickets as his official “buddy.”

I was intrigued.

I’d heard that airline employees enjoy cheap flights, but I had never thought of this as a possibility in my own life.

I was supposed to be looking for “regular”, full-time employment utilizing my new Health Education skills.

One evening, as Wyatt was packing for yet another trip, I expressed my jealousy. “Ugh, I want to be able to travel like you and Jordan!”

Wyatt stopped, looked at me, and plainly said, “Then do it.” Hm. Well, it can’t really be that simple, can it?

Two months later, I was jetting off to Denver for airline customer service training.

The day before I left for training, I went to a Chinese restaurant with my family. My fortune cookie gave me chills. “You will travel far and wide, both for pleasure and business.”

Fast forward to age 27, nine years after I submitted that quote to my high school’s yearbook committee. Four countries has turned into twenty-two, I have a very attainable 30-countries-before-30-years-old goal, and Wyatt and I have a travel blog together.

Wyatt and Katelyn at Nan Madol ruins, Pohnpei, Micronesia.

Wyatt and I at Nan Madol ruins, Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia (October 2019)

Dedicated to Grace Geselle

Although my life is vastly different from my grandmother’s, I attribute much of my adventurous spirit to her.

Grandma Geselle taught me to LIVE every single day of life and not to take myself too seriously.

She even funded a good chunk of my very first international adventure (my class trip to Europe at age 16).

Her last words to me were, “We sure had a lot of fun, didn’t we?” I’m determined to keep having a lot of fun, in her honor!

Katelyn and her grandma before her 9th grade prom.

Grandma Grace and I before my 9th grade prom (May 2010)

Final Thoughts

I found a way to make my dream a reality. I’ve become the type of person I was always jealous of: a world traveler.

I decided to stop WISHING I could live a different life and just LIVE it. I couldn’t be more grateful for everything that’s allowed me to have these experiences.

I love my job at the airport, and I love what it gives me more: the opportunity to travel, far and often, at such a young age.

Writing has always been another love of mine. I’m so excited that I get to combine my two passions into one project.

I can’t wait to show you how to make your travel dreams a reality too!